Where to dispose of CD discs?

Where to dispose of CD discs?


Each of us follows waste segregation rules in our household every day. However, some people have no idea about data carrier destruction, where sensitive information is stored, and for example, where to dispose of a CD. You will find answers to these and other questions in our guide.

Data Storage Media Destruction - How Professionals Do It?

During general cleaning or moving, it often turns out that we have USB drives, hard drives, and old CDs lying around our homes. Where should we dispose of and how should we safely dispose of such items so that the data stored on them doesn't fall into unauthorized hands? DIY mechanical destruction of storage media, for example, using a hammer, is not a very sensible or 100% secure solution.

A better option is to entrust such a task to a professional company equipped with specialized equipment. To do this, you should sign an appropriate contract in which the scope of work, responsibilities, service completion deadlines, and the remuneration provided for the company specializing in the destruction of such items should be specified (data storage media destruction must be carried out in accordance with the applicable GDPR regulations). After the elimination of the USB drive, hard drive, or used CD, the company prepares an acceptance and delivery protocol and issues a certificate to the client, confirming the destruction of the documents. Our company, GEOMAR, at the request of individual or business clients, can also document the process of disposing of media (using video or photography).

CD Disposal - Segregation. Where to Dispose of CDs?

Where should you throw away a CD? As mentioned earlier, you can hand over the media to a company that specializes in professional data destruction. However, if the CD does not contain sensitive data/confidential information and is, for example, a regular music CD, you can dispose of it in the container designated for metals and plastics (it is a multi-material waste consisting of a polycarbonate substrate layer, a gold or aluminum color layer that melts during recording, and a protective layer of lacquer). Some people take used CDs to their local Selective Municipal Waste Collection Point. But that's not the end of the possibilities. Electronics stores also offer customers the option of leaving this type of waste with them. An alternative may be to give CDs a second life, using them to create handmade wall decorations or a clock with a shiny dial.

We hope that thanks to our practical tips, you will have no problems with proper segregation of used CDs and media destruction. We cordially invite you to familiarize yourself with our offer and use the services of GEOMAR. We serve CD production facilities, tax offices, customs offices, waste management companies, schools, universities, and institutions. We guarantee the collection and disposal of any number of CDs on a special two-shaft mill dedicated to grinding ARP 3000 waste.


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