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We collect all types of used electrical and electronic equipment for disposal. In accordance with the Waste Act of 27 April 2001 and its subsequent amendments, we collect waste classified according to the waste catalogue. We are authorized to collect used electrical and electronic equipment in the following waste codes: 16 02 13, 16 02 14, 16 02 15, 16 02 16, 16 02 11, 20 01 23, 20 01 35, 20 01 36 according to the client's classification. We collect all types of used electrical and electronic equipment, most commonly including: IT equipment: computers, servers, UPS systems, printers, switches, modems, disk arrays, monitors, etc.; laboratory equipment: meters, generators, oscilloscopes, furnaces, refrigerators, etc.; home appliances and electronics: televisions, washing machines, refrigerators, freezers, radios, audio and video equipment; mobile phones, landline phones, faxes; toys: all kinds of toys that operate on electricity; medical devices; military equipment; lighting equipment.
collection and disposal of waste at our facility for processing used electrical and electronic equipment; transport from the place of production to the place of disposal; loading of waste; preparation of waste, packaging; weighing on a certified scale at the time of waste collection.
packaging for collected waste; complete documentation confirming the transfer of waste for disposal; timely services; efficient and reliable service.
we have all necessary administrative decisions for waste collection across the entire country and a Facility for Processing Used Electrical and Electronic Equipment registered in the Register of the Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection; we offer attractive pricing conditions subject to negotiation for larger quantities of waste; we guarantee quick completion of orders; we provide quality backed by many years of experience; we employ a qualified team of specialists.