Old Hard Drives - What to Do with Them?

Old Hard Drives - What to Do with Them?


Private individuals and companies accumulate a lot of unnecessary electronic equipment over the years, including computer equipment. Old hard drives that are lying around in basements, garages, or offices - if they contain personal or other sensitive data - it is safest to destroy them by engaging a professional company. On the other hand, other media that do not contain any confidential content can be given to a scrap collection point and earn money from it. We offer both hard drive destruction and electronic waste collection.

Electronic vs. Computer Scrap

Old hard drives fall into the category of computer equipment. The proper place to dispose of them is at the collection points for used electrical and electronic equipment. Some cities, like Krakow, offer their residents free e-waste collection. This is an initiative under the banner of Elektrobrygada. Simply call the free number, which can be found on the website of MPO, the Municipal Cleaning Company, and specialists will come to collect old, used equipment. Besides this option, there are many companies in the city that accept used electronic and electrical equipment. One of them is Geomar Recycling.

What to Do with an Old Hard Drive?

There are several answers to the question of what to do with an old hard drive:

  • Give away or sell if it is still usable and functional - if the old hard drive is working and it is a model still in use and compatible with modern laptops or desktop computers, you can post a sales ad on a local classifieds service or on Facebook Marketplace. Used, still functional computer or electronic equipment can also be donated for charitable purposes, such as to an orphanage or social care home.
  • Take it to a collection point - most Polish cities have collection points for used electrical and electronic equipment. The downside of this solution is the need for your own transport to the point, and not everyone has the time or a vehicle that can accommodate a lot of electronic waste if a considerable collection has accumulated over the years.
  • Sell it at a scrap yard - another option for what to do with an old hard drive is to sell it at an e-scrap yard. We run such a point in Krakow - you can bring the waste yourself, but there is also the possibility of free collection throughout Poland (even small quantities).

Old Hard Drives with Personal Data

Many companies collect and process personal data of their clients or users. With the implementation of GDPR, questions of how long they can be stored and what to do with them once the legal interest in processing them ceases have been regulated. It's important to remember that GDPR provisions apply not only to data on physical media - such as disks or paper - but also to electronic data. The EU regulation imposes on the data administrator the obligation to dispose of data and media in such a way as to prevent their reconstruction. To destroy disks or paper documents, devices are used whose level of security does not conflict with GDPR requirements. Companies that do not maintain data protection at the correct level can expect high financial penalties if an inspection visits their unit - up to 4% of the company's total annual revenue.

Professional and Effective Destruction of Hard Drives

One of the services we provide to our clients is the destruction of hard drives. We mainly serve companies, offices, schools, universities, and enterprises, but private individuals who want to dispose of old hard drives are also invited to contact us. In addition to destruction and disposal, we also offer scrap collection - including hard drives and other parts of personal computers, mobile phones, or chargers.

How Do We Destroy Old Hard Drives?

To destroy old hard drives, we use a two-step method: first, we drill them, and then we dismantle them. This method of computer waste disposal proves highly effective, making it worthwhile to opt for our services.


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